Pursuing Growth- Panel discussion at the University of Denver NSBE collegiate chapter.

Through our collegiate initiative program, the Denver Professional Chapter has sought to engage our college chapters in meaningful conversation around different topics. Recently DPC held a panel discussion at the University of Denver NSBE collegiate chapter.

The panel consisted of Dr. Arthur Antione, Nial long, Marlene Price, Sylvia Akol, and the moderator president of the NSBE Denver chapter Rameesh Madourie.

 The theme of the event was "Pursuing Growth."  Panel members shared valuable information on navigating different professional spaces to succeed in their respective fields. Commonalities seen across all panel members were continuous personal and professional improvements. Marlene shared her willingness to move into different spaces to learn new skills. This was echoed by all other members, which demonstrated the importance of being flexible in the professional space.

The panel also shared many challenges about being black in often a predominantly white space. The consensus was to be authentic to who you are and not seek to adopt the mannerisms of others if it's not from a place of authenticity. The collegiate members were rather interactive and receptive to the panelists, and many targeted questions were asked of the panel by members of the audience. 

Thanks to the leadership of the NSBE Collegiate chapter University of Denver, in partnership with Denver Professionals, collegiate initiative chair Josh Dickerson for making this event possible.